Mr. Speaker, I will ask the chamber's indulgence on my comment this morning. I woke up happy, I guess, as I do not even know what the right word would be, to see that the Royal Canadian Legion has chosen Maureen Anderson as this year's National Silver Cross Mother. Her family and she, personally, have made more sacrifices for this country than most people understand. She, herself, served in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and her late husband, Peter, started his military career right here on Parliament Hill in the regiment of The Canadian Guards, before joining The Royal Canadian Regiment.
She was selected as this year's National Silver Cross Mother because both her sons, Ron and Ryan, are gone, with PTSD being at fault. I had the honour and pleasure of serving with both Ron and Ryan in Afghanistan. There were no two finer soldiers or Canadians one could find in this whole country. I want to commend the Royal Canadian Legion on selecting such a worthy recipient to represent all those Silver Cross Mothers out there. I just wanted to get that on the record.
Mr. Speaker, I will ask the chamber's indulgence on my comment this morning. I woke up happy, I guess, as I do not even know what the right word would be, to see that the Royal Canadian Legion has chosen Maureen Anderson as this year's National Silver Cross Mother. Her family and she, personally, have made more sacrifices for this country than most people understand. She, herself, served in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and her late husband, Peter, started his military career right here on Parliament Hill in the regiment of The Canadian Guards, before joining The Royal Canadian Regiment.
She was selected as this year's National Silver Cross Mother because both her sons, Ron and Ryan, are gone, with PTSD being at fault. I had the honour and pleasure of serving with both Ron and Ryan in Afghanistan. There were no two finer soldiers or Canadians one could find in this whole country. I want to commend the Royal Canadian Legion on selecting such a worthy recipient to represent all those Silver Cross Mothers out there. I just wanted to get that on the record.