The House of Commons has adjourned a few days early for its summer break. The House will resume sitting on Monday, Sept. 16.

All votes

Vote numberSubjectVotes


853Bill S-224, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons) (report stage amendment)118 / 207 / 2NegativedWed Jun 19 2024
8523rd reading and adoption of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)174 / 149 / 2Agreed toWed Jun 19 2024
851Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services) (recommittal to a committee)174 / 151 / 2Agreed toWed Jun 19 2024
850Private Members' Business M-109 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (amendments to the Standing Orders))325 / 0 / 2Agreed toWed Jun 19 2024
8482nd reading of Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (reasoned amendment)119 / 204 / 2NegativedWed Jun 19 2024
8492nd reading of Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act170 / 148 / 2Agreed toWed Jun 19 2024
8473rd reading and adoption of Bill C-69, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024173 / 150 / 2Agreed toWed Jun 19 2024
838Bill C-69, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024 (report stage amendment) (Motion No. 46)116 / 206 / 2NegativedTue Jun 18 2024
846Concurrence at report stage of Bill C-69, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024174 / 148 / 2Agreed toTue Jun 18 2024
845Bill C-69, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024 (report stage amendment) (Motion No. 154)116 / 206 / 2NegativedTue Jun 18 2024